EVRY Merchant Setup

You can board an EVRY merchant via the Gateway Manager or via an API.
Boarding a Merchant via the Gateway Manager
Before boarding a EVRY merchant in the Gateway Manager, you must have this information available:
  • Retailer Data (Merchant ID)
  • Merchant Category Code (For a list of Merchant Category codes, click this link.)
  • Merchant Name
  • Merchant Street
  • Merchant Zip Code
  • Merchant City
  • Merchant Country
When you have the required information available, follow these steps to board a merchant:
  1. Open the merchant in the Gateway Manager.
  2. Select
    Attach processing path
  3. For the Clearing Institute, select
    and enter the required data.
  4. To finish the setup, select
    Attach processing path
Boarding a Merchant via the API
Follow these steps to use the
API to create a merchant and board that can process payments using EVRY. These steps also provide instructions about how to assign a card reader to the merchant and how to generate a merchant secret key for the new merchant. You will use the merchant information that EVRY provides to you to create a new merchant.
1. Create a merchant with EVRY as the processing path.
{ "processingPaths":[ { "name":"Default", "schemes":[ "VISA", "MASTER", "VISAELECTRON", "MAESTRO" ], "currencies":[ "SEK" ], "details":{ "institute":"EVRY", "merchantCity" : "Merchant City", "merchantCountry" : "SE", "merchantName" : "Merchant Name", "merchantStreet" : "Merchant Street", "merchantZipCode" : "12345", "merchantType" : "5999", "retailerData" : "1234567" } } ], "name":"Test Merchant #42", "details":{ "publicName":"Public Merchant Name", "address":"42 Merchant Street", "zip":"12345", "city":"Merchant City", "country":"SE", "contact":"+46 1234567" }, "readers":[ ] }
Based on the merchant information provided by EVRY, enter these parameters:
Provide the
you want to process payments in. Usually its
Provide the
Retailer Data
you received from your EVRY acquirer. It is also called
Merchant ID
Provide the four digit
Merchant Category Code
you received from your EVRY acquirer, e.g. 5999 (Miscellaneous)
Provide the
Merchant Name
Provide the
Merchant Street
Provide the
Merchant Zip Code
Provide the
Merchant City
Provide the
Merchant Country
, which is usually
We recommend to always use "Default" for this name.
Make sure to specify a unique name for each merchant that you create on the platform.
Finally, for the payment receipts, you need to provide some information about the merchant, including
Public Name, Address and a Contact Phone Number/Email Address
After successfully creating the merchant, you will receive a
in the response:
{ "status": "ok", "data": { /*...*/
"identifier": "74b47dcd-45b0-4c65-a4d1-afd4aae32708"
, "name": "Test Merchant #42" /*...*/ } }
2. Find the reader that you want to assign to the merchant.
The platform track all of the readers that you have purchased. In order to assign a reader to the new merchant you created in step 1, you must know its
. Use this API to find the
of a reader based on its serial number (e.g. 999-100001):
Try it out!
You will receive the
in the response:
{ "status": "ok", "data": [{ /*...*/
"identifier": "0665ede3-3990-4c9b-beac-77abfeda5858"
, "model": "MIURA_SHUTTLE", "details": { "serialNo": "999100001" /*...*/ } }] }
3. Assign the reader to new merchant.
Based on the
from step 1 and the
from step 2, you can now assign the reader to the merchant:
Try it out!
4. Generate the Merchant Secret Key
You can also generate a merchant secret key for the merchant via the API:
You will receive the merchant secret key (
) in the response:
{ "status": "ok", "data": { "status": "ACTIVE",
"key": "9pCcTI2mzUbLKoCdezVBowhv0b6gGwoo"
} }