When your point-of-sale (POS) system calculates a transaction total, the terminal prompts
the customer to present a card for payment. The customer swipes, inserts, or taps their card
in or on the terminal.
To ensure that the terminal can read the payment card, your customer must follow these
steps when presenting their payment card at the terminal:
To swipe the card, place the card in the card slot on the right side with the magnetic stripe down and facing away from you, and swipe the card.
To insert the card, insert the chip end of the card into the terminal's card slot with the chip facing upward and do not remove until prompted by the terminal.
To tap the card, hold the card close to the terminal screen (the card does not have to touch the terminal) until the card is accepted. When the card is accepted and the transaction completed, the POS prints a receipt for the cardholder and the merchant.