- (IBAction)transaction:(id)sender { MPTransactionProvider* transactionProvider = [MPMpos transactionProviderForMode:MPProviderModeTEST merchantIdentifier:@"MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER" merchantSecretKey:@"MERCHANT_SECRET_KEY"]; MPTransactionParameters *transactionParameters = [MPTransactionParameters chargeWithAmount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"5.00"] currency:MPCurrencyEUR optionals:^(id<MPTransactionParametersOptionals> _Nonnull optionals) { optionals.subject = @"Bouquet of Flowers"; optionals.customIdentifier = @"yourReferenceForTheTransaction"; }]; // When using the Bluetooth Miura, use the following parameters: // MPAccessoryParameters *ap = [MPAccessoryParameters externalAccessoryParametersWithFamily:MPAccessoryFamilyMiuraMPI // protocol:@"com.miura.shuttle" // optionals:nil]; // When using Verifone readers via WiFi or Ethernet, use the following parameters: // MPAccessoryParameters *ap = [MPAccessoryParameters tcpAccessoryParametersWithFamily:MPAccessoryFamilyVerifoneVIPA // remote:@"" // port:16107 // optionals:nil]; MPTransactionProcess *process = [transactionProvider startTransactionWithParameters:transactionParameters accessoryParameters:ap registered:^(MPTransactionProcess *process, MPTransaction *transaction) { NSLog(@"registered MPTransactionProcess, transaction id: %@", transaction.identifier); } statusChanged:^(MPTransactionProcess *process, MPTransaction *transaction, MPTransactionProcessDetails *details) { NSLog(@"%@\n%@", details.information[0], details.information[1]); } actionRequired:^(MPTransactionProcess *process, MPTransaction *transaction, MPTransactionAction action, MPTransactionActionSupport *support) { switch (action) { case MPTransactionActionCustomerSignature: { NSLog(@"show a UI that let's the customer provide their signature!"); // In a live app, this image comes from your signature screen UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(1, 1)); UIImage *capturedSignature = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); [process continueWithCustomerSignature:capturedSignature verified:YES]; // Add this instead, if you would like to collect the customer signature on the printed merchant receipt [process continueWithCustomerSignatureOnReceipt]; break; } case MPTransactionActionCustomerIdentification: { // always return NO here [process continueWithCustomerIdentityVerified:NO]; break; } case MPTransactionActionApplicationSelection: { // This happens only for readers that don't support application selection on their screen break; } default: { break; } } } completed:^(MPTransactionProcess *process, MPTransaction *transaction, MPTransactionProcessDetails *details) { NSLog(@"Transaction ended, transaction status is %lu", (unsigned long) transaction.status); if (details.state == MPTransactionProcessDetailsStateApproved) { // Ask the merchant, whether the shopper wants to have a receipt // and close the checkout UI } else { // Allow your merchant to try another transaction } // only close your modal here }]; }
statusChanged:^(MPTransactionProcess *process, MPTransaction *transaction, MPTransactionProcessDetails *details) { _abortButton.hidden = ![transaction canBeAborted]; }
Do not hide the checkout UI directly after requesting the abort, and do not display messages such as '"Aborting..." by yourself. The SDK will call the- (IBAction)abortTapped:(id)sender { [_process requestAbort]; }
MPTransactionProvider* transactionProvider = [MPMpos transactionProviderForMode:<TEST or LIVE, loaded from your backend> merchantIdentifier:<MerchantIdentifier loaded from your backend> merchantSecretKey:<MerchantSecretKey loaded from your backend> ];
Method | Description | Visible in | Applicable for |
.subject | Subject of the transaction | Gateway Manager | All |
.customIdentifier | Your custom identifier for the transaction | Gateway Manager | All |
.statementDescriptor | Descriptor of the transaction | Stripe Dashboard, Customer's payment card statement | Stripe |
.applicationFee | Fee that will be further applied to the transaction | Stripe Dashboard | Stripe |
.metadata | Extra information to further specify the transaction | Stripe Dashboard | Stripe |
void transaction() { final TransactionProvider transactionProvider = Mpos.createTransactionProvider(this, ProviderMode.TEST, "MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER", "MERCHANT_SECRET_KEY"); /* For starting transaction in mocked mode use fallowing provider: final TransactionProvider transactionProvider = Mpos.createTransactionProvider(this, ProviderMode.MOCK, "merchantIdentifier", "merchantSecretKey"); */ /* When using the Bluetooth Miura, use the following parameters: */ AccessoryParameters accessoryParameters = new AccessoryParameters.Builder(AccessoryFamily.MIURA_MPI) .bluetooth() .build(); /* When using Verifone readers via WiFi or Ethernet, use the following parameters: AccessoryParameters accessoryParameters = new AccessoryParameters.Builder(AccessoryFamily.VERIFONE_VIPA) .tcp("", 16107) .build(); */ TransactionParameters transactionParameters = new TransactionParameters.Builder() .charge(new BigDecimal("5.00"), io.mpos.transactions.Currency.EUR) .subject("Bouquet of Flowers") .customIdentifier("yourReferenceForTheTransaction") .build(); TransactionProcess paymentProcess = transactionProvider.startTransaction(transactionParameters, accessoryParameters, new TransactionProcessWithRegistrationListener() { @Override public void onRegistered(TransactionProcess process, Transaction transaction) { Log.d("mpos", "transaction identifier is: " + transaction.getIdentifier() + ". Store it in your backend so that you can always query its status."); } @Override public void onStatusChanged(TransactionProcess process , Transaction transaction, TransactionProcessDetails processDetails) { Log.d("mpos", "status changed: " + Arrays.toString(processDetails.getInformation())); } @Override public void onCustomerSignatureRequired(TransactionProcess process, Transaction transaction) { // in a live app, this image comes from your signature screen Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(1, 1, conf); byte[] signature = BitmapHelper.byteArrayFromBitmap(bm); process.continueWithCustomerSignature(signature, true); } @Override public void onCustomerVerificationRequired(TransactionProcess process, Transaction transaction) { // always return false here process.continueWithCustomerIdentityVerified(false); } @Override public void onApplicationSelectionRequired(TransactionProcess process, Transaction transaction, List<ApplicationInformation> applicationInformation) { // This happens only for readers that don't support application selection on their screen process.continueWithSelectedApplication(applicationInformation.get(0)); } @Override public void onDccSelectionRequired(TransactionProcess transactionProcess, Transaction transaction, DccInformation dccInformation) { // This comes up if the DCC selection cannot be done on the terminal itself transactionProcess.continueDccSelectionWithOriginalAmount(); } @Override public void onCreditDebitSelectionRequired(TransactionProcess transactionProcess, Transaction transaction) { // leave empty if your application does not support US Credit/Debit selection, otherwise // to continue transaction with credit scheme selected call: transactionProcess.continueCreditDebitSelectionWithCredit(); // or to continue transaction with debit scheme selected call: transactionProcess.continueCreditDebitSelectionWithDebit(); } @Override public void onCheckingSavingsSelectionRequired(TransactionProcess transactionProcess, Transaction transaction) { // leave empty if your application does not support Canada Interac card scheme // to continue transaction with savings account selected call: transactionProcess.continueCheckingSavingsSelectionWithSavings(); // or to continue transaction with checking account selected call: transactionProcess.continueCheckingSavingsSelectionWithChecking(); } @Override public void onCompleted(TransactionProcess process, Transaction transaction, TransactionProcessDetails processDetails) { Log.d("mpos", "completed"); if (processDetails.getState() == TransactionProcessDetailsState.APPROVED) { // print the merchant receipt Receipt merchantReceipt = transaction.getMerchantReceipt(); // print a signature line if required if(merchantReceipt.isSignatureLineRequired()) { System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); System.out.println("------ PLEASE SIGN HERE ------"); } // ask the merchant, whether the shopper wants to have a receipt Receipt customerReceipt = transaction.getCustomerReceipt(); // and close the checkout UI } else { // Allow your merchant to try another transaction } } }); } @Override public void onBackPressed() { Toast.makeText(this, "The back button is disabled during a transaction. Please use the 'abort' button to cancel the transaction.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); }
public void onStatusChanged(TransactionProcess process , Transaction transaction, TransactionProcessDetails processDetails) { //.. abortButton.setVisibility(transaction != null && transaction.canBeAborted() ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); }
public void abort() { process.requestAbort(); }
final TransactionProvider transactionProvider = Mpos.createTransactionProvider(this, <TEST or LIVE, loaded from your backend>, <MerchantIdentifier loaded from your backend>, <MerchantSecretKey loaded from your backend>);