Accepting Alipay
Alipay is one of the leading third-party service payment provider in China. With more than 450M active users, your merchants can accept Alipay wallet payments by selecting it as payment method and scanning the customer's code with a device's camera.
The PayButton conveniently includes scanning functionalities so you do not need to integrate them. Examples of PayButton screens are shown below.
To accept Alipay as an alternative payment method:
  1. Set
    , or both as a payment method configuration in
  2. Create
  3. Provide the parameters to
// Card and Alipay transactions self.mposUi.configuration.paymentOptions = MPUMposUiConfigurationPaymentMethodCard | MPUMposUiConfigurationPaymentMethodWalletAlipay; // Alipay only transactions self.mposUi.configuration.paymentOptions = MPUMposUiConfigurationPaymentMethodWalletAlipay; MPTransactionParameters * txParams = [MPTransactionParameters chargeWithAmount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"10"] currency:MPCurrencyEUR optionals:^(id optionals) {/* set optionals */}]; UIViewController *vc = [self.mposUi createTransactionViewControllerWithTransactionParameters:txParams completed:completed]; UINavigationController *nav = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:vc]; [self presentViewController:nav animated:YES completion:nil];
To generate custom receipts, make sure you are familiar with our custom receipt functionality.
Accepting Alipay
Alipay is one of the leading third-party service payment provider in China. With more than 450M active users, your merchants can accept Alipay wallet payments by selecting it as payment method and scanning the customer's code with a device's camera.
The PayButton conveniently includes scanning functionalities so you do not need to integrate them. Examples of PayButton screens are shown below.
To accept Alipay as an alternative payment method:
  1. Set
    , or both as payment method configuration in
  2. Create
  3. Provide the the parameters to
// Card and Alipay transactions MposUi.getInitializedInstance().getConfiguration().setPaymentOptions(EnumSet.of(MposUiConfiguration.PaymentOption.CARD, MposUiConfiguration.PaymentOption.WALLET_ALIPAY)); // Alipay only transactions MposUi.getInitializedInstance().getConfiguration().setPaymentOptions(EnumSet.of(MposUiConfiguration.PaymentOption.WALLET_ALIPAY)); TransactionParameters params = new TransactionParameters.Builder() .charge(new BigDecimal(amount), Currency.EUR) .build(); Intent intent = MposUi.getInitializedInstance().createTransactionIntent(params); startActivityForResult(intent, MposUi.REQUEST_CODE_PAYMENT);
To generate custom receipts, make sure you are familiar with our custom receipt functionality.