Before you can process the first transaction with the Miura M010 card reader on Windows, make sure that the reader is running at least Miura OS V7-6 and Miura MPI V1-39. This step is required because there are issues with the Miura OS V7-5 that prevent us from updating it automatically.
For live card readers:
The live card readers ship with the latest OS and MPI installed and, if required, USB Serial Mode enabled by default.
Updating the OS and MPI of the Test Miura Card Reader
Only perform the steps in this section if you are using a test card reader. If you are using live card readers, see Updating the OS and Updating the MPI below.
If you are using a test card reader, download the ZIP containing the Miura OS/MPI updates. If you are using SDK 2.11 or older with your test reader, download this ZIP.
Install the OS and MPI updates one at a time and in the order presented.
Update the OS as instructed below.
Update the MPI as instructed below.
Updating the OS
To update the OS:
Connect the M010 card reader to a PC with the USB cable. A new drive called "MIURA" should appear.
Copy the two files from the folder "1 OS" to the "MIURA" drive.
Eject the MIURA drive and disconnect the USB cable.
The card reader will update itself to OS V7-7. If you are using SDK 2.11 or older, the card reader will update to OS V7-6.
Updating the MPI
To update the MPI:
Connect the M010 card reader to a PC with the USB cable. A new drive called "MIURA" should appear.
Copy the two files from the folder "2 MPI" to the "MIURA" drive.
Eject the MIURA drive and disconnect the USB cable.
The card reader will update itself to MPI V1-41.
If you are using SDK 2.11 or older, the card reader will update to MPI V1-39.
Verify, that the card reader now displays MPI V1-41 when starting up.
If you are using SDK 2.11 or older, verify that the card reader now displays MPI V1-39 when starting up.
Configuring a Miura Card Reader for USB Connectivity