Publish your Android App for PAX

To start the Android application process, complete the following form. The information you provide will be used to create and submit your Android application to PAXSTORE.
  • The APK must be signed.
  • The maximum size of the APK is 100MB.
  • Please make sure to sign your application correctly. The suggested method is to use a local Keystore and let Android Studio sign the APK. All the APK versions of the same App should be signed with the same developer signature.
  • When releasing a new APK, it must have an incremental version number.
* Required
Select the app name carefully, it cannot be changed after submission to Android

Example: The myPOS Mobile app enables merchants to accept credit & debit card payments on Android device using a PAX A920 payment terminal to securely process the shopper's payment card and PIN

e.g., Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google Drive, etc.
e.g., 2.46.0
On device, go to Settings > Apps > BroadPOS P2PE. The password is either 9876 or pax9876@@, depending on the OS version of the device. Version number is shown on top (e.g., V1.00.02_20190801).
e.g., Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google Drive, etc.
Please provide some release note describing what is different in this new APK (e.g., bug fix, new features)

If yes, the application will be updated once it is approved. If no, merchants need to click PAXSTORE on the device and update the application manually.

To schedule an update for the application, use the Date Picker to specify the date and time.

If you do not select a date and time the application will be updated as soon as possible.
Format: DD.MM.YYYY
e.g., 9AM, 9PM, etc.