How can I add a new merchant in the Gateway Manager?

Go to the merchant overview in the Gateway Manager and select +Create new merchant.


You need the following information to successfully board a merchant:
  • The merchant's name
  • Processing data from your acquirer for this merchant
  • Serial Number of the card reader that the merchant will use
  • If you send receipts with the Pay Button you also need the merchant’s receipt data (company name, street with number, ZIP and city, country, phone number)

Creating the Merchant

  1. Enter the merchant's name
  2. Enter the merchant's receipt information.
  3. Select Attach processing path and select the acquirer andcurrency.
    To get started quickly on the test system, you can use
    Integration Test Acquirer
    and continue with step 5
  4. Enter the processing data and confirm once you are done.
    1. Make sure the processing data is correct, otherwise this will prevent payment processing.
    2. Especially make sure that you use every terminal IDs only once.
  5. Select Attach card reader and enter the serial number of the card reader that will be used by the merchant. See here for details.
  6. Select Add merchant once you are done.
  7. The merchant will be created.

Saving the Merchant Credentials

You need the merchant identifier and merchant secret keyto define to which merchant a payment is routed.
Store the merchant credentials in your backend and fetch it before the merchant does a transaction:
  1. Copy the merchant identifier from the merchant overview.
  2. Create a merchant secret key in the merchant overview. See here for details.

Adding a Card Reader to the Merchant

Add a card reader to the merchant to use the card reader with this merchant.