How can I fix when 'setRetryPolicy' is not found?

The error log looks similar to this:
I/dalvikvm( 3056): Could not find method, referenced from method W/dalvikvm( 3056): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 12089: Lcom/android/volley/Request;.setRetryPolicy (Lcom/android/volley/RetryPolicy;)Lcom/android/volley/Request; D/dalvikvm( 3056): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000d D/dalvikvm( 3056): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 300K, 4% free 10188K/10536K, paused 20ms, total 20ms D/Volley ( 3056): [612] VolleyLog.setTag: Changing log tag to VolleyWrapper I/VolleyWrapper( 3056): [15:50:38.438]: Starting request=POST url= I/dalvikvm( 3056): Could not find method, referenced from method<init> W/dalvikvm( 3056): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 22507: Lio/mpos/internal/processors/payworks/services/f;.setShouldCache (Z)Lcom/android/volley/Request; D/dalvikvm( 3056): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0013 I/GoogleHttpClient(14714): Falling back to old SSLCertificateSocketFactory
The reason is an outdated version of the Volley dependency. Install the latest 1.0.x version.