How can I enable in-depth logging in the mPOS SDK?

We use
for this and give you flexible options to control the formatting and levels.
To enable it, first add references to CocoaLumberjack:
#import "DDLog.h" #import "DDTTYLogger.h"
Then register a new logger with the system:
[DDLog addLogger:[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance]];
And finally enable logging in the SDK by increasing the log level. The maximum level we support is
[MPMpos setLogLevel:LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG];
We also provide a custom LogFormatter, that displays additional meta-data and uses a custom formatting. Give it a try by simply registering the formatter with your logger:
[[DDTTYLogger sharedInstance] setLogFormatter:[[MPLogFormatter alloc] init]];
When using the
, the log statements will show up in the XCode console (Shift + Command + C) and can be extracted from there. Also, providing a log to our support team when you encounter problems will help us to identify the problem more quickly.
The maximum level we support is